Application of CeturegelTM Matrix Gel in Angiogenesis Experiments

Application of CeturegelTM Matrix Gel in Angiogenesis Experiments

Angiogenesis is closely associated with wound healing, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and tumor gr...
Application of CeturegelTM Matrix Gel in Angiogenesis Experiments

Application of CeturegelTM Matrix Gel in Angiogenesis Experiments

Angiogenesis is closely associated with wound healing, inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, and tumor gr...
In vitro macrophage polarization culture: the role of cytokines

In vitro macrophage polarization culture: the role of cytokines

1.Preface Macrophages are large phagocytes differentiated from monocytes in the blood. They are present in almost all tissues, especially those t...
The Classic WNER Cytokine Protocol for Organoid Culture

The Classic WNER Cytokine Protocol for Organoid Culture

Organoids are three-dimensional in vitro structures that simulate the architecture and function of real organs. Derived from stem cells or pluripot...
How to choose VEGF family protein correctly?

How to choose VEGF family protein correctly?

1. VEGF family proteins Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) is a key factor in the formation of new blood vessels. VEGF can induce the rege...
Free Guide: 5 Tips for Healthier Cell Cultures

Free Guide: 5 Tips for Healthier Cell Cultures

Cell culture is a cornerstone of many research applications, from drug development to gene therapy. However, maintaining healthy, proliferating cul...
Clodronate Liposomes | Lesson 3: Lungs

Clodronate Liposomes | Lesson 3: Lungs

Pulmonary macrophages are a class of immune cells located in the lung tissue and are part of the mononuclear phagocyte system. Lung macrophages are...
Clodronate Liposomes | Lesson 2: Liver

Clodronate Liposomes | Lesson 2: Liver

In the liver, macrophages are called Kupffer cells. Kupffer cells are found mainly in the sinusoidal spaces of the liver and have the following cha...
Slow down aging? Effectively improve Alzheimer's disease? Antioxidant? It's all there! A complete list of high-purity Urolithin A studies

Slow down aging? Effectively improve Alzheimer's disease? Antioxidant? It's all there! A complete list of high-purity Urolithin A studies

With the improvement of human living standards and changes in lifestyles, the health of the immune system is under constant threat from all sides. ...
Clodronate Liposomes | Lesson 1: Method of injection and dosage

Clodronate Liposomes | Lesson 1: Method of injection and dosage

Macrophages play unique and critical roles in different parts of the body, however, precise macrophage removal has become a key research tool in or...
Clodronate Liposomes-A Method for Macrophage Clearance in Vivo

Clodronate Liposomes-A Method for Macrophage Clearance in Vivo

Macrophages are an important cell in the immune system, and they play a variety of roles in tissues, including pathogen clearance, tissue repair, a...
Macrophages and their in vivo research strategies

Macrophages and their in vivo research strategies

Introduction to Macrophages The discovery of macrophages dates back to 1882, when biologist Ellie Metchnikoff discovered them while studying primit...
Application of Ceturegelâ„¢ basement membrane matrix

Application of Ceturegelâ„¢ basement membrane matrix

The basement membrane matrix is a soluble basement membrane preparation extracted from the tumors of EHS mice rich in extracellular matrix proteins...
Laminin Coating Protocol for iPSC Culture

Laminin Coating Protocol for iPSC Culture

1.Background of Laminin 521 Laminin 521 (LN521) is a key cell adhesion protein in the natural stem cell niche and a matrix for the culture and ex...
